J + M + J

Welcome to our online print shop. We are a farming family of 9 operating a century farm. Our Catholic great grandfathers farmed in Italy before immigrating to the United States. As we continue our Catholic family farming tradition in America, we strive to serve The Sacred Heart of Jesus & His people by providing nourishment for body & soul.

Castile Soap
Like our crops, our lace holy cards
& printing press products are prayerfully created.
Thank you for your support. It helps us to purchase the vintage originals in order to recreate them. We work with antique art dealers all over the world, especially in Italy, France, Spain, Portugal, and Germany.
Do you know how Saint Therese of Lisieux got her name, "The Little Flower"?
Why is St Therese Called the Little Flower
You can also read about how she got her nickname from her book
"Story of a Soul" in chapter 4.
Our Magazine, Immagini Sacre is loaded with many of the Holy Images that helped Saint Therese to contemplate Jesus in her heart and mind. As you turn each page, you will be delighted to see many of the images that she gazed upon in her younger years. We have spent many years studying, photographing and compiling the original holy cards that she loved in order to create this treasure trove of an archive for you to pray with and ponder just like St Therese did.
We aim to one day open a brick and mortar museum with the immense variety of original engravings and lithographs in our collection for Christ's church to view and enjoy. We believe history is worth preserving and have put much work into this project. As we wait to see if it's the Lord's will for us to open that museum, we are offering Immagini Sacre Magazine as a "museum in print."
The majority of our products are created by us, in house, in the USA.
Browse through our product gallery to experience our prayerful journey to create meaningful items that aim to draw the heart & mind to God.
Thank you for your business. Your support is very important to us on this journey to recover, restore, & reproduce the forgotten holy cards of the past contemplative age of our church. We greatly appreciate you & pray that our new & upcoming projects will edify & help sustain the prayer lives of the faithful & foster a deeper love & appreciation of Jesus Christ, who is completely present in the Most Holy Sacrament of the Altar.
Yours in Christ,
+ The Pellegrinis
(the pilgrims)